New Episodes


Leif is left with a conditional inheritance when his estranged mother Honey dies. Before he can move into her picturesque Yosemite cabin, he has to complete her elaborate, and sometimes dubious, to-do list.

About the Film

When Leif’s (Jake Johnson) estranged mother, Honey (Susan Sarandon) dies she leaves him a ‘conditional inheritance’. He has to complete her elaborate to-do list before he gets her cabin in Yosemite. Leif steps into Honey’s wild world as the mother he never really knew tries to make amends.

US Distributor: Decal 

Director: Trent O’Donnell

Writers: Trent O’Donnell & Jake Johnson

Starring: Jake Johnson, Susan Sarandon, J.K. Simmons and D’Arcy Carden

Jake Johnson, Trent O’Donnell, Joe Hardesty, D’Arcy Carden, Huey M. Park.

Emily Dubovi

Billy Bungeroth

Daniel Haworth

Judd Overton

Pete Williams

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