by Trish Vasquez March 16, 2022

Variety: ‘The Prank’ Review: Rita Moreno Shows Another Side…

“…it’s a tartly written, engagingly nasty little comedy of high-school vengeance. It’s set during the senior year of Ben (Connor Kalopsis), the kind of obsessive-compulsive overachiever who prints out several backup copies of his homework assignments, and Tanner (Ramona Young), a hacker, high on energy drinks, who’s his equally brainy but less responsible best friend. These two exist in their own unpopular cloistered geek space. But then fate throws a curveball at the striving-to-be-perfect Ben.

His AP physics class is run by the most infamous teacher at West Greenview High: a veteran instructor named Mrs. Wheeler — played, in a performance of must-see deviousness and passive-aggressive glee, by Rita Moreno

Read More at VARIETY!